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Nurse Dalisay Villanueva is a nurse at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital.


Season 2[]

In "Quarantine" and "Quarantine: Part Two," she is one of the medical staff trapped in the ER during the lockdown along with Shaun Murphy, Morgan Reznick, Audrey Lim and Deena Petringa.

Season 5[]

In "Sons", Villanueva's ex-boyfriend, Owen went to the hospital as a florist and when Dr. Lim found out that she was stabbed, she shouted a Code Blue. Unfortunately, Owen fought with Dr. Lim but she was stabbed twice and both of them were lying on the floor, with wounds and leaving their fates unknown.

Season 6[]

In "Afterparty," Lim manages to call Andrews for help and he rushes to their aid along with Glassman, Shaun, Jordan and Lea. Despite Villanueva being severely wounded, Andrews and Glassman manage to save her life. While holding Asher Wolke hostage, Owen expresses remorse for his actions and attempts to commit suicide by cop, although it fails. Owen is subsequently arrested for the attempted murders of Villanueva, Lim and a security guard.

In "Change of Perspective," Villanueva is fully recovered and back to work a few months later by the time of Lim's return to work. Villanueva later jokes with Lim about her new motorized chair before revealing that she is still struggling emotionally with her trauma from the attack. Villanueva later participates in Lim's attempts to fix her problems with performing surgery with her new limitations and in her successful surgery afterwards.

In "A Big Sign," Villanueva pushes the wheelchair of a young cancer patient that Danny offers a lollipop to as Jordan walks by.

In "Shrapnel," Villanueva helps treat Andy, a young man whose foot was severed by a boat propellor. After they are forced to close the wound without reattaching the foot, Villanueva does her best to reassure Park that he did his best. After Jordan and Danny find the foot, she takes part in the successful surgery to reattach it despite some complications.

In "Growth Opportunities," Villanueva helps Lim to prepare for a date with her neighbor.

In "Quiet and Loud," Villanueva tries to bring Lea some flowers from all of the nurses, but she's stopped by an obsessively protective Shaun. After Lea is rushed into emergency surgery, Villanueva joins the rest of Shaun and Lea's loved ones in sitting vigil to support them. After Glassman brings them the good news, she joins in the celebrations, sharing a hug with Morgan.

In "Half Measures," Villanueva takes part in the surgery on Brady, a man who has been nearly cut in half by a piece of metal. Villanueva later promises Morgan to keep baby Eden company when she can, but she's too busy at the moment to do it.

Season 7[]

In "M.C.E.," Villanueva helps Shaun to coordinate the hospital staff during a mass casualty event when Lim leaves Shaun in charge as she operates.

In "Goodbye," Villanueva is one of those present for Shaun's TED talk about his journey ten years later.


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