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The Good Doctor Wiki

Dr. Daniel Perez is a first year surgical resident at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital.


Season 6[]

In Season 6, Daniel becomes a first year surgical resident along with Dr. Danica Powell.

In "Change of Perspective", he is teamed up with Park, who is still having relationship problems with Dr. Reznick. When they butt heads about the treatment plan for a patient with a mass on his neck, Daniel suggests using both treatments. He then impresses Dr. Park with his quick thinking in the OR.

In "A Big Sign", Dr. Allen struggles with her feelings for Daniel. She later tells Dr. Wolke about her crush, unbeknownst to Daniel.

In "Shrapnel", Daniel and Dr. Allen spend time together while the police search for a patient's missing foot. They talk about their personal lives and start to develop a mutual crush. Towards the end of the episode, Daniel and Dr. Allen go back to the lake. They lean over to kiss, but Daniel pulls back at the last second and leaves abruptly. Dr. Allen is left heartbroken from that incident.

In "Growth Opportunities", Daniel and Dr. Allen work together, but it is awkward due to their complicated feelings. Daniel then admits his love but explains that he doesn't want to be in a relationship. He does not explain why until after their shift when he confesses that he is a recovering opioid addict.

In "Hot and Bothered", Dr. Allen and Daniel work on a patient who is dying, as the heatwave damaged her organs irreversibly. Daniel decides to go out of his way to help the patient enjoy her final moments. Dr. Allen helps, and Daniel is moved by her kindness.

In "Boys Don't Cry", Dr. Murphy and Daniel work to help a mother with sextuplets. They work on "Baby D]]", who has major complications. This triggers emotions for Dr. Murphy, who confides in Daniel about his worries with Lea's pregnancy.

In "Sorry, Not Sorry", Allen and Daniel arrive at work together. It is revealed that they were working on a research project together and that Allen stayed the night. Dr. Wolke thinks that Daniel is trying to attract Dr. Allen while not being interested in a relationship. Towards the end of the episode, Dr. Allen and Daniel kiss, causing more confused feelings.

In "Broken or Not", Daniel and Dr. Allen talk about what their kiss meant. Daniel then invites Dr. Allen to dinner so that they can talk more. Dr. Murphy creates a new system to measure Daniel and Dr. Powell's strengths and weaknesses, which creates competition between the two. They are presented with a patient (Teddy) with a strangulated hernia. He suffers from complications during surgery due to an unknown underlying condition. Shaun decides to give extra credit to whoever figures out what is wrong, so Daniel and Dr. Powell call a truce to figure out what is wrong. They end up being wrong, and Teddy is diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. Daniel tells Teddy's brother to talk to Teddy, but the conversation turns sour. Daniel then discovers Teddy unconscious in the bathroom with an esophageal rupture, and he is rushed to surgery. Daniel's quick thinking gets him on Dr. Murphy's good side. After this, Daniel asks Teddy to talk to his brother, and they make up. Dr. Murphy then scraps the scoring system.

After their shift, Dr. Allen arrives at Daniel's house, but after hearing no response, she breaks the door down. She finds Daniel on the living room floor unconscious. A needle is next to him, and she realizes that he has overdosed, presumably on heroin.

In "Quiet and Loud", which takes place three months after Daniel's overdose, he pleads with Dr. Andrews and Dr. Lim to give him his job back. He has completed a two-month rehab program and has been clean for 92 days. His determination to turn his life around is recognized, and he is granted his job back. However, he is put on probation for six months, prohibited from administering controlled substances, and subjected to random drug tests. In addition, a senior doctor will monitor his every move. Despite this, he is happy to have his job back. Dr. Allen supervises him on his first case, which is awkward for both of them. He apologizes for not communicating with her since his overdose and tries to reassure her. At the end of the day, he informs Dr. Allen that he will request not to be supervised by her.

In "365 Degrees", Daniel joins Dr. Wolke and Dr. Allen for breakfast, and he is annoyed by Dr. Allen. Later, Dr. Lim informs Daniel and Dr. Wolke that they will work under her supervision because they are on probation. Dr. Wolke was put on probation for performing an unauthorized surgery with Dr. Powell. Daniel is stressed out due to the feeling of everyone judging him, and he reaches out to his sponsor. In the end, Dr. Lim praises them for their excellent work.

After their shift, Daniel begins to break under the stress and contacts his drug dealer. They meet, and he is offered cocaine. He is torn but decides against buying it when he hears a church choir. Having a change of heart, he leaves without making a purchase and heads to the church to listen to the choir. Soon after, Dr. Allen walks in. It is revealed that she is a member of the church. They are both surprised, and they talk for a while.

Season 7[]

In "Baby, Baby, Baby," Jordan mentions that she and Danny have decided to cut off contact with each other for the time being as Danny focuses on his recovery.

In "Unconditional," Jared tells Claire Browne that he and Jordan have decided to just remain friends while Jordan and Danny -- who he refers to as Jordan's ex-boyfriend -- have been texting each other every day since Asher Wolke's murder.

In "Goodbye," Jordan and Danny have reunited in flashforwards, eventually marrying each other. Ten years later, Jordan and Danny attend Shaun's speech.


  • Danny's brother is a Marine.[1]
  • Brandon Larracuente, who plays Danny, is an activist against opioid abuse due the death of one of his friends from an overdose.


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