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The Good Doctor Wiki

"We're All Crazy Sometimes" is the eleventh episode of Season 4 of The Good Doctor. It is the sixty-seventh episode overall and aired on March 8, 2021.


After bringing in an incredibly unique and complicated spinal surgery, Dr. Aaron Glassman challenges the residents for an opportunity to join him in the operating room. Meanwhile, Shaun and Morgan disagree on how to treat a comatose patient with a cancerous tumor.[2]


With taking on a risky patient that 9 neurosurgeons denied treatment, Dr. Andrews questions why Dr. Glassman feels the need to take on such a risk, and his working theory at the moment is that it’s for the thrill. After having cancer, Dr. Glassman has become impulsive, and Dr. Andrews thinks Dr. Glassman lacks excitement and feels empty, hence looking for challenges that could lead to someone getting killed.

At first the patient is ready to back away from the surgery, but Dr. Glassman’s pep talk ends up convincing the patient to choose to go through with the surgery after all. While the surgery ultimately ended up a success, it nearly became a trainwreck due to various complications.

Asher and Claire end up being confronted with the unresolved issues they have regarding their mothers emerge as they share Glassman’s patient, who longs for normalcy and has a bit of fear he may not get it, despite the surgery. This triggers Claire and Asher, who fear their own return, or some form of normalcy, if they choose to address their relationships with their mothers.

When it comes to Asher, it is something simple like fearing further cutting himself off from his mother by eating a non-kosher cheeseburger. As for Claire, it’s about picking up a guitar and singing. Yet, despite these fears, with Glassman’s patient’s success, they find themselves pushing to address what scares them head-on. Thus, Asher has a cheeseburger, and Claire not only picks up her guitar and sings but does it for an audience.

Meanwhile, Morgan struggles with a patient who has a dying wife and Alex is passed over for Glassman’s patient, and both find themselves in a rut. Yet, they end up supporting one another through it.

Despite the high of saving the hospital nearly 2 million dollars and Shaun advocating for her to get a raise, the support Lea wants comes in the form of him helping her when her car gets towed. Unfortunately, Shaun isn’t able to give that, and this causes discord between the two. Thus leading to Shaun looking for advice and taking note of his and Morgan’s patient, whose husband waited 10 years to reunite with her in a conscious mindset.

Eventually Lea threatens the tower with a multitude of bad reviews, whereas Shaun pays the fine. He also does present the idea that he can be in Lea’s corner when she needs him to be.

This eventually allows Lea to feel comfortable enough to reveal to Shaun she is pregnant with his baby.



Guest Starring[]


  • It was previously stated that this episode would be released on March 1, 2021.
  • Lea is revealed to be pregnant with Shaun's child.



Promotional Images[]

BTS Images[]



External Links[]

The Good Doctor : Episodes
Season 1
#1 Burnt Food#2 Mount Rushmore#3 Oliver#4 Pipes#5 Point Three Percent#6 Not Fake#7 22 Steps#8 Apple#9 Intangibles#10 Sacrifice#11 Islands: Part One#12 Islands: Part Two#13 Seven Reasons#14 She#15 Heartfelt#16 Pain#17 Smile#18 More
Season 2
#1 Hello#2 Middle Ground#3 36 Hours#4 Tough Titmouse#5 Carrots#6 Two-Ply (or Not Two-Ply)#7 Hubert#8 Stories#9 Empathy#10 Quarantine#11 Quarantine: Part Two#12 Aftermath#13 Xin#14 Faces#15 Risk and Reward#16 Believe#17 Breakdown#18 Trampoline
Season 3
#1 Disaster#2 Debts#3 Claire#4 Take My Hand#5 First Case, Second Base#6 45-Degree Angle#7 SFAD#8 Moonshot#9 Incomplete#10 Friends and Family#11 Fractured#12 Mutations#13 Sex and Death#14 Influence#15 Unsaid#16 Autopsy#17 Fixation#18 Heartbreak#19 Hurt#20 I Love You
Season 4
#1 Frontline Part One#2 Frontline Part Two#3 Newbies#4 Not the Same#5 Fault#6 Lim#7 The Uncertainty Principle#8 Parenting#9 Irresponsible Salad Bar Practices#10 Decrypt#11 We're All Crazy Sometimes#12 Teeny Blue Eyes#13 Spilled Milk#14 Gender Reveal#15 Waiting#16 Dr. Ted#17 Letting Go#18 Forgive or Forget#19 Venga#20 Vamos
Season 5
#1 New Beginnings#2 Piece of Cake#3 Measure of Intelligence#4 Rationality#5 Crazytown#6 One Heart#7 Expired#8 Rebellion#9 Yippee Ki-Yay#10 Cheat Day#11 The Family#12 Dry Spell#13 Growing Pains#14 Potluck#15 My Way#16 The Shaun Show#17 The Lea Show#18 Sons
Season 6
#1 Afterparty#2 Change of Perspective#3 A Big Sign#4 Shrapnel#5 Growth Opportunities#6 Hot and Bothered#7 Boys Don't Cry#8 Sorry, Not Sorry#9 Broken or Not#10 Quiet and Loud#11 The Good Boy#12 365 Degrees#13 39 Differences#14 Hard Heart#15 Old Friends#16 The Good Lawyer#17 Second Chances and Past Regrets#18 A Blip#19 Half Measures#20 Blessed#21 A Beautiful Day#22 Love's Labor
Season 7
#1 Baby, Baby, Baby#2 Skin in the Game#3 Critical Support#4 Date Night#5 Who At Peace#6 M.C.E.#7 Faith#8 The Overview Effect#9 Unconditional#10 Goodbye